Suzanne's challenge this week:
Do you have pets? If so, how did they come to be furry family? Write about them and their personalities. If not, write about a past pet that touched your heart. Please include photos!
I can't remember a time that I haven't had pets. We have had cats, dogs, fish, rabbits, raccoons, pigs, cows, sheep, ducks and pheasants. Heidi and her friend thought that the fish needed to drink their milk to stay healthy so she pour her glass of milk into the fish tank, FYI, fish don't like milk. Heidi had a pet sheep that would follow her every where but didn't like Todd, so Twinkle toes had to be sold. We had a pet cow named Cutie that the kids used to ride, she became too tame to milk and had to be sold. No more cows ever became that good a pet again.
There were 3 dogs that really became my favorite pets over the years, Minga dog, the most beautiful collie and a protector of the kids; Mudd, who just never outgrew being a puppy and would let the kids dress him up and was just the most gentle of dogs and then my favorite; Spanky, she was my dog. I heard a scratch at 4 a.m. one morning, I opened the door and this little cocker walked in, jumped up on the sofa and decided this is home. She was my dog, no question about it, slept with me, either at the foot of my bed or right in the little nook by my belly, got up first thing with me and followed me around in the morning. A couple years ago, while I was in NC visiting my grandchildren, Spanky became very ill and Phil had to have her put to sleep. Hardest thing he has ever done. I still that miss that little girl and know that another dog will never replace her nor do I even want to try.