We are having some March Wind challenges over at
Sisterhood of Scrap. One of my challenges was the First Day of Spring.
Spring to me says windy days, so that means something flying, I chose a kite but want to see what you come up with. Also green grass starts showing up so your layout should be mostly green and of course the animals like to get outside as well so throw in some kind of animal and you know me, it is going to have to have some flowers as well.
My second challenge is a really fun challenge and remember I like to shake things up a bit. It is National Buzzard Day so this is my challenge.
So for Buzzard day this is what your layout needs:
1. Some kind of splatter on it, either paint, mist or ink
2. Feathers
3. One strip of pp
4. One Photo matted
5. A Flower
Phil told me these were all stretching the limits and I should explain my thoughts, 1. is for when the animal is killed and splattered all over the road, mean buzzard supper.
2. Buzzards have feathers, right?
3. is for the stripe down the middle of the road.
4. One photo matted, the dead animals on top of the road.
5. Rest in peace departed animal.
Are you brave enough to come on over and try some of the challenges??